Dear Brothers and Sisters, The great celebration of Shavuot is coming in only a few hours - right after Shabbat. Torah is an eternal bond of the Jewish people with each other and with G‑d. We were gently rocked to sleep as infants by our moms and Grandmas with songs speaking of the infinite preciousness of the Torah - how it is our life and the length of our days - Oh, those Lullabys of my Grandmother Blumah Leah Shub - Loksen! My Bubby Blumah Leah -who survived the bloody pogroms of Czarist Russia, the brutal oppression of Soviet Regime and the horrific murders of the Nazi beasts may their names and memories be erased - they brutally murdered her father and many in her family - yet… Yet! Yet in the hills of Westwood, in the home of my parents - the 1st Pioneers of the Global Chabad House Movement home - there she was, rocking my younger sister to sleep with a priceless smile. The Jewish Smile of generations. The Smile of Moshiach coming and better times for all of Humanity. She was singing: “Geulah Brachahleh vet Lernen Torah! Torah is the besteh Schorah!” “Geulah Brachah (Rebbetzin Newman of Chabad Beverlywood) will study Torah! Torah is the best merchandise! We were being raised in our parents home... with so many Jews learning Torah for their first time - then going to Yeshivah and now, these very students are married with children and grandchildren who sing this same song - singing of the eternal infinite value of Torah Now - all of us Jews sing this song - even without singing the actual tune and words - to our children and to our spiritual children. And so countless families - in thousands of Chabad Houses around the world - led and inspired by our dear Rebbe - who taught our generation this song - To Teach every Jew the Torah ! Raise many disciples as the Mishnah commands us in Pirkei Avot chapter 1. How many is many disciples? Asked our Rebbe to us at the Farbrengen 30 years ago when we Yeshiva students just returned from our 2 year mission in Buenos Aires along with the many hundreds thousands more who were hearing these words either in 770 or by other means. How many is Many Jewish disciples? He asked. How many is “Alot”? Raise many disciples means teach the Torah to every Jew! - you are never “done” or “finished”! and sing the ageless timeless lullaby of our grandmothers and smile and be happy. We’re almost there! The Rebbe said that it is a prophecy that we are the last generation of exile and the first generation of Redemption! We hasten Moshiach’s coming through more Torah study and doing Mitzvos and doing deeds of Goodness and Kindness. So, please go to your nearest Chabad House or other Orthodox Synagogue and hear the Torah Reading on Sunday - It’s as if your hearing from HaShem Himself at Mt. Sinai And set times for Torah study every day and every night ENsure that every Jewish CHild goes to Jewish School and Camp. And soon we’ll hear the Song of Moshiach when all the Jews will be singing together in the Holy Templpe in Jerusalem with the coming of Moshiach Now! Shabbat Shalom and Chag Sameach, may we receive the Torah with Joy and Inwardness! With Blessings for all good things for you and your whole family, materially and spiritually, Rabbi Mendel Cunin Here's the Video and Lyrics of my dear friends at 8th day - their rendition:
היום השמיני – תורה
תורה די בעסטע סחורה
תורה איז העכער פון דער וועלט
When the world had no galaxy
Before the sun set the long night free
Before the archers shot their miss
Before the angels found their bliss
He looked inside to see what would be
Only then came you and me
אלפיים שנה קדמה תורה קדמה תורה לעולם
Alpaim Shana Kadma Torah Kadama Torah L’olam
תורה די בעסטע סחורה
תורה איז בעסער פון די געלט
תורה די בעסטע סחורה
תורה איז העכער פון דער וועלט
From the start you’ll touch the end
And in the end you’ll start again
It’s holy words keep us safe and sound
It was the first thing that came around
He looked inside to see what would be
Only then came you and me
אלפיים שנה קדמה תורה קדמה תורה לעולם
Alpaim Shana Kadma Torah Kadama Torah L’olam
תורה די בעסטע סחורה
תורה איז בעסער פון די געלט
תורה די בעסטע סחורה
תורה איז העכער פון דער וועלט
Torah Di Besta Schorah
Torah Iz Beser Fun Di Gelt
Torah Di Besta Schorah
Torah Iz Hecher Fun Der Velt